Equities Research Analysts’ New Coverage for March 19th (AP, APTV, ARKR, AUBN, BPT, BRZE, BTAI, CASI, CRM, CSR)

Equities Research Analysts’ new coverage for Wednesday, March 19th:

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Ampco-Pittsburgh (NYSE:AP). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Aptiv (NYSE:APTV). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of Ark Restaurants (NASDAQ:ARKR). The firm issued a buy rating on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Auburn National Bancorporation (NASDAQ:AUBN). The firm issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (NYSE:BPT). StockNews.com issued a sell rating on the stock.

Stephens started coverage on shares of Braze (NASDAQ:BRZE). Stephens issued an overweight rating and a $43.00 target price on the stock.

Rodman & Renshaw assumed coverage on shares of BioXcel Therapeutics (NASDAQ:BTAI). The firm issued a buy rating and a $65.00 target price on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of CASI Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:CASI). The firm issued a hold rating on the stock.

Stephens started coverage on shares of Salesforce (NYSE:CRM). Stephens issued an equal weight rating and a $311.00 target price on the stock.

Wells Fargo & Company began coverage on shares of Centerspace (NYSE:CSR). Wells Fargo & Company issued an equal weight rating and a $68.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Digital Ally (NASDAQ:DGLY). The firm issued a sell rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of DURECT (NASDAQ:DRRX). StockNews.com issued a sell rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Ekso Bionics (NASDAQ:EKSO). They issued a hold rating on the stock.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. initiated coverage on shares of Etsy (NASDAQ:ETSY). JPMorgan Chase & Co. issued a neutral rating and a $50.00 price target on the stock.

Compass Point started coverage on shares of Robinhood Markets (NASDAQ:HOOD). The firm issued a buy rating and a $61.00 price target on the stock.

Stephens initiated coverage on shares of HubSpot (NYSE:HUBS). The firm issued an overweight rating and a $769.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of The InterGroup (NASDAQ:INTG). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

Wells Fargo & Company initiated coverage on shares of Independence Realty Trust (NYSE:IRT). They issued an overweight rating and a $24.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Issuer Direct (NYSE:ISDR). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

Stephens started coverage on shares of Klaviyo (NYSE:KVYO). The firm issued an overweight rating and a $43.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of SemiLEDs (NASDAQ:LEDS). The firm issued a sell rating on the stock.

Vertical Research began coverage on shares of Magnera (NYSE:MAGN). The firm issued a hold rating and a $21.00 target price on the stock.

Monness Crespi & Hardt initiated coverage on shares of MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR). The firm issued a neutral rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Mexco Energy (NYSE:MXC). They issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Nabriva Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NBRV). They issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of Natural Health Trends (NASDAQ:NHTC). They issued a buy rating on the stock.

China Renaissance began coverage on shares of NIKE (NYSE:NKE). China Renaissance issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Orion Energy Systems (NASDAQ:OESX). They issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Oncternal Therapeutics (NASDAQ:ONCT). They issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Organovo (NASDAQ:ONVO). They issued a sell rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Old Point Financial (NASDAQ:OPOF). The firm issued a hold rating on the stock.

Stephens assumed coverage on shares of Oracle (NYSE:ORCL). The firm issued an equal weight rating and a $167.00 target price on the stock.

Stephens started coverage on shares of Onestream (NASDAQ:OS). They issued an overweight rating and a $27.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com began coverage on shares of Patterson Companies (NASDAQ:PDCO). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of PEDEVCO (NYSE:PED). The firm issued a sell rating on the stock.

Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on shares of ResMed (NYSE:RMD). Morgan Stanley issued an overweight rating and a $280.00 target price on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of RBC Bearings (NASDAQ:ROLL). The firm issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Retractable Technologies (NYSE:RVP). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Origin Agritech (NASDAQ:SEED). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

TD Cowen initiated coverage on shares of Shell (NYSE:SHEL). TD Cowen issued a buy rating and a $81.00 price target on the stock.

StockNews.com started coverage on shares of Summit Materials (NYSE:SUM). The firm issued a sell rating on the stock.

Stephens began coverage on shares of Atlassian (NASDAQ:TEAM). Stephens issued an equal weight rating and a $255.00 target price on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of Trio-Tech International (NYSE:TRT). They issued a buy rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Trevena (NASDAQ:TRVN). They issued a sell rating on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of TRX Gold (NYSE:TRX). StockNews.com issued a hold rating on the stock.

StockNews.com initiated coverage on shares of vTv Therapeutics (NASDAQ:VTVT). They issued a sell rating on the stock.

Stephens assumed coverage on shares of Workiva (NYSE:WK). They issued an overweight rating and a $111.00 target price on the stock.

StockNews.com assumed coverage on shares of Qualtrics International (BATS:XM). The firm issued a sell rating on the stock.

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